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Special Educational Needs & Disabilities



All young people may experience learning difficulties at some point.  This is not unusual.  For most students, the difficulties are temporary and are soon overcome with help and encouragement from home and school.


The term 'Special Educational Needs' is used to describe learning difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for young people to learn that most young people of the same age.  Students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) are likely to need extra or different help from that given to other students their age.  This help is known as special educational provision.


The Trafalgar School at Downton is an inclusive school which supports and challenges all its students.  We have students across all four types of need:


  • Cognition and learning needs

  • Communication and interaction needs

  • Social, emotional and mental health needs

  • Physical or sensory impairment needs


Click here to view the current provision for students with SEND

Women Holding Hands

The school is an important part of the community ...

Ofsted, March 2020

SEND Inclusion Statement

At The Trafalgar School we are determined that a student's Special Educational Needs are met through:


  • A framework or environment that meets individual requirements

  • Equal access to the National Curriculum

  • Early identification and support planning

  • The involvement of parents and carers

  • Partnership working

  • Great teaching


Sarah Burley is our SENDCo and manages a dedicated team of Teaching Assistants who work across the school.  You can find out more about our SEND Strategy below.  This includes information on the provision in place for students with SEND.  Both our SEND Policy and SEND Information Report (which includes information on identification, disability access, the curriculum and how teachers support SEND) can be found using the buttons below.


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© 2024  The Trafalgar School at Downton

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