
The Trafalgar School at Downton is a safe place for students where our responsibilities for safeguarding children are taken seriously. Every member of staff plays their part in this and receives regular training and information updates. We have a culture of vigilance and protection which supports every member of our school community and take swift action if an issue is identified. It is of the utmost importance to us that all the individuals in our school community feel cared for and supported, so they can achieve their very best potential.
Through our curriculum, we teach students about personal safety and how to keep themselves safe from harm and through the fundamental promotion of British Values.
The curriculum includes opportunities to discuss feelings and emotions and helps our students to think about their own personal safety, and their rights as individuals to be kept safe from harm.
We have clear guidance to help students to use the internet (including social media) safely and have appropriate filters in place, to prevent students from accessing inappropriate materials and to use their phones safely. During the school day each student locks their phone away in its own pouch so that we do not have the intrusion of social media or messaging impacting on the mental health of our students. Teaching them how to use their phones safely is a huge part of our mental health agenda within school.
The referral process within school is clear and students who make a disclosure to staff can be sure that this will be acted upon swiftly.

School Policy & Procedures
Our policies and agreed practices for child protection, health and safety, behaviour management, attendance and looked after children, all comply with the recommendations of safeguarding children at school. We have a trained Designated Safeguarding Lead and Deputy and a designated Governor with responsibility for safeguarding.
We have policies to manage potential allegations against staff, whistleblowing and the use of physical intervention.
Our staff recruitment recruitment policies and practices are rigorous and comply with safer recruitment and selection requirements. We always pursue identify checks and qualification checks and we take up and scrutinise written references, before confirming employment.
We require an Enhanced clearance from the Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) before employing any member of staff, in addition to check Teacher Qualifications and QTS status via the Department for Education's Teacher Services.
All volunteer helpers, supply teachers, agency staff and outside club and coaching staff are required to provide evidence of Enhanced DBS clearance.
The Academy Governance Committee is regularly updated about child protection, bullying and safeguarding policies and practices.
It is the responsibility of every adult in this school to ensure that we maintain the highest level of awareness about possible unsafe practices and deal with any issues immediately and appropriately.
It is the responsibility of every adult in this school to ensure that we maintain the highest level of awareness about possible unsafe practices and deal with any issues immediately and appropriately.
Click here for our Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy
Designated Safeguarding Lead (Pictured)
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Safeguarding Governor

There is a strong anti-bullying ethos evident throughout our School.
We teach our students how to recognise bullying, how to keep themselves safe from bullying behaviour and how to report it. We listen to our students. A dedicated team of Anti-Bullying Ambassadors work to keep the school safe from bullying. Our Anti-Bullying Charter was written by students for the whole community.
Students can anonymously contact our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors direct via email. Please note that this is for current students only - if a parent has any concerns they should contact their child's Tutor in the first instance.