Religious Education, British Values & SMSC

Religious Studies
(Beliefs, Values & Traditions)
At The Trafalgar School Religious Studies is a compulsory subject for all students in Key Stage 3 and an option subject at Key Stage 4.
Understanding religion, in all its forms, is the foundation of students' Religious Education at Trafalgar. It draws on the richness and diversity of religious teachings and beliefs from across the world. The encounter is an open one which stems from, and instils, respect for different views and interpretations and in which real dialogue and education takes place. Students will be enabled to deepen their understanding of God as encountered and taught by different religions and, as a result, students will gain greater insight into the world in which they are growing up. They will also be able to appreciate the faith of others and develop a deeper understanding of their own beliefs and practices.
These outcomes will contribute to harmonious relationships within and between communities, promoting social inclusion and combating prejudice. At GCSE, students study Buddhism in depth in addition to Christianity.
The Right to Withdraw from
Religious Education
Any parent has a right to withdraw their child from Religious Education (RE). If a parent asks for their child to be wholly, or partly, excused from attending any RE at the school, the school must comply unless the request is withdrawn. The school remains responsible for the supervision of any child withdrawn from RE, unless the child is lawfully receiving Religious Education elsewhere. Parents do not need to explain their reasons for seeing withdrawal.
If a parent is wishing to withdraw their child from RE it is kindly requested that they contact the headteacher directly. it is helpful to know the religious issues leading to the request and the practical implications of withdrawal.
We teach the importance of British Values by going much deeper into the meaning of what it means to live a good life.
Rachael Faulkner, Deputy Headteacher
& SMSC Lead

British Values
The promotion of 'British Values' is central to education at The Trafalgar School as British Values have their origin in the values of our nation. They form a core aspect of our delivery of Social, Moral, Spiritual and cultural education.
These values are:
Rule of Law
Individual Liberty
Mutual Respect
Tolerance of those of Different Faiths & Beliefs
At The Trafalgar School we recognise the importance of helping students to flourish academically but also spiritually, morally, socially and culturally, so that they are fully prepared for life in British society and for their role as citizens, able to make the strongest possible contribution to the common good of all.
We teach the importance of British Values by going much deeper into the meaning of what it means to live a good life. We place a significant emphasis on the celebration of individuality and difference within our communities and our calling to work together for the common good in the service of others. Our school Vision and Values which includes explicit reference to British Values, make a tangible difference to the way we work together and with our wider communities. The examples that follow are an indication of some of the many ways we seek to embed British Values at The Trafalgar School and should be seen as an indication of our approach, rather than an exhaustive list.