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Pupil Premium, Recovery Premium, Catch Up Premium & School-Led Tutoring

Flower Bud Petals

What is the Pupil Premium?

National statistics demonstrate that students experiencing 'financial hardship' do not achieve as well as their peers.  The Pupil Premium Grant is paid to schools for students who are: recorded as being eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) in the last 6 years (Ever6), who are 'Looked After', who are supported by the National Asylum Support Service (NASS) or who have a parent serving in the Armed Forces.

The Government believes that the Pupil Premium, which is additional to main school funding, is the best way to address the current underlying inequalities (between eligible children and their peers) by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the students who need it most.

Trafalgar School
Pupil Premium Charter

Our intention is that all students, irrespective of their background or the challenges they face, make good progress and attain highly

​Our objectives and aims:

  1. Teach well so that students develop independence and self-agency, feel success and grow

  2. Identify barriers and work to remove them so that students are able to take control 

  3. Leverage experiences, students stepping forward rather than back, so that we raise self-esteem through positive experience

  4. Build networks for students including opportunities for socialisation so that students get a ‘foot in door’

  5. Challenge pre-conceived ideas of what their future might be so that a world of opportunities present themselves

Purple Buds
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We will ensure that disadvantaged students have equality of opportunity in accessing all aspects of our curriculum

Phil Sutton, Assistant Headteacher & Pupil Premium Lead

In realising our intent we will:

  • Believe in students and expect a lot

  • Involve parents

  • Never assume those students experiencing disadvantage face the same barriers, or have any less potential to succeed, treating every young person’s circumstances individually

  • Never pity or patronise those students experiencing disadvantage

  • Establish a consistent, clear approach to the way that funds are allocated and support given

  • Constantly seek out new ideas and share the very best practice

  • Monitor the impact of any intervention

Yellow And White Flowers
Juniper Plant

Pupil Premium Strategy

Disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have resulted in significant missed education by students. Disadvantaged and vulnerable students have been particularly impacted. Tutoring is one of the most effective tools for helping students recover lost education. In September 2021 the Government expanded the tutoring offer to include School-led Tuition. The Academy will continue to provide a tuition offer into the 2022-23 and 2023-24 academic years.  Click here for more information.

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