Labour Market Information (LMI)

Labour Market Information (LMI) is a useful tool to help research future jobs in the local area, understand the skills needed for certain roles, and the demand for future employment.
LMI helps to break down the complex ‘world of work’– ranging from descriptions of different careers, their entry routes, promotional prospects, salaries paid, skills and qualifications needed, etc. Crucially for young people, LMI also covers future demand – what kinds of jobs will be in demand after leaving school and what kinds of skills will be needed.
Please watch the video below to find out more.
Useful LMI Links
Here are some links to a range of different websites that will help you explore Labour Market Information both locally and nationally.
Careermap produce a Careermag for School Leavers, and Careermag for Parents. Both aim to bust myths and dispel misconceptions about pathways, careers and qualifications.
Each issue includes Sector Spotlights, where they deep dive into industry sectors to see what careers there are and how to get them. This includes current labour market information and inspiring case studies – all of which are designed to help make well-informed decisions on careers of the future.
The National Careers Service offers free and impartial information, advice and guidance to help young people with decisions about careers, courses and work.
The career tools are designed to enable students to learn more about the careers that interest them, discover their strengths and skills, and find the right courses and training.
Work Wiltshire has created a series of localised LMI documents for Wiltshire and the surrounding areas. These documents highlight employment information for each area, and include links to interactive maps that young people can use to search for local businesses. features over 1000 videos of people talking about their careers – explaining their job role, career path, and how different factors have shaped their direction. Videos can be filtered by job type or subject and cover a range of sectors and levels, encouraging young people to draw links between school subjects and jobs, and discover opportunities they may not have known about before. Each video is matched with labour market information – such as salary, qualifications and future employment – bringing together first-hand insight with practical next steps. Other site features include the Buzz Quiz, which encourages self-reflection and explores links between personality and work.
Careers Explorer, which is hosted on the Careers Hub website, contains information about a wide range of careers and, as the information is centred on Wiltshire, students/parents can use Careers Explorer to find local vacancies, courses and apprenticeships.
BBC Bitesize - Careers is used by 80% of secondary school students for study and revision support. Developed in response to the new careers strategy, Bitesize Careers contains curriculum-linked job profiles with personal stories from young people who work in each job role. It also includes supporting labour market information, as well as articles on option choices, work experience, post-16 pathways, post-18 study, job applications and skills for work.
Developed by the Careers Enterprise Company, 'Work It' is a series of careers talks with young people, for young people. You will learn about some of the different routes available after leaving education from a range of inspiring youth voices.