Assessment, Marking & Feedback

The purpose of assessment is to gather relevant information about student performance or progress. At The Trafalgar School we recognise the importance of assessment in informing teaching effectiveness and in preparing young people for their GCSE Examinations.
Assessments are both formative and summative, these summative assessments typically coming at the end of units or topic tests. Four assessment points gather data from all subjects; this information is then reported to parents and analysed by the school.
More importantly, one would argue, the school gathers information on a students attitude to learning, we call them our Academic Standards. This information gives us a clear indicator on whether a student will reach or exceed their target grades.
Targets for students are set from their Key Stage SATs test. They are ambitious and rightly so.
Marking & Feedback
At The Trafalgar School marking has one single purpose to advance student progress and outcomes. Marking should be 'meaningful, manageable and motivational'. Studies show that high-quality feedback leads to significant progress over the course of a year.
Feedback can take different forms: peer, self, group, teacher marking or verbal. Teachers use a combination of these, choosing the best form as appropriate to the learning. The best feedback, whether it is written or verbal, will give students a clear sense of how they can improve, with students responding and making progress as a results.
Aims of Marking & Feedback
To help students make progress.
To provide strategies for students to improve.
To inform our planning and structure, the next phase of learning.
to encourage a dialogue to develop between student and teacher
To facilitate effective and realistic target setting for student and/or teacher.
To give students dedicated time to reflect upon their learning and put in effort to make improvements.
to encourage students to have a sense of pride in their presentation of work
Teacher knowledge and expertise is a highly valued strength at Trafalgar ...
Jonny Cole, Deputy Headteacher

We work with students on their academic habits ...
Rachael Faulkner, Deputy Headteacher
Behaviour for Learning
Our Academic Standards
In order for students to be the very best in school and be empowered in life, we work with the students on their academic habits. We report to students and parents against these standards regularly through our reporting systems
An Outstanding Student Always ...
Arrives ready and prepared to learn with all necessary equipment.
Participates fully in lessons, both in written work, practical learning and discussion.
Completes their best work, first time. Leaves no gaps.

Perseveres and doesn't give up, demonstrates resilience.
Actively engages in improving their work and performance, sets themselves aspirational goals.

Completes homework to the required standard, they may often go above and beyond.

Self-regulates their behaviour and maintains a high level of concentration.
Is attentive. Listens actively to the teacher and to peers.
Can think and act for themselves, is not over reliant on the teacher.
Has a positive attitude to lessons, showing interest and enthusiasm.