
Careers Events at The Trafalgar School at Downton
At The Trafalgar School at Downton, our students take part in many different careers events across all year groups at various points throughout the year. These events enrich the careers education that our students receive during their time here.
To view our Careers events in 2023/24, click here.
Monday 3rd March - Friday 7th March 2025
National Careers Week 2025

This week we have been celebrating National Careers Week 2025. Students have taken part in a different careers-based activity each day during tutor time, including an introduction from Mr Sutton, a great video from Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust and an introduction to universities and the big impact that going to one could have on a young person’s future. The activities have been a great conversation starter between staff and students about their own career paths both before teaching and into teaching.
You can access the National Careers Week Virtual Careers Fair here.
Friday 28th February 2025
Youth Impact Assembly

Today Luke, from Youth Impact came in and spoke to Year 11 about the amazing Summer programme that they are launching in collaboration with Your Sports Education. The programme aims to fill the gap that has been left by NCS whose funding was cut by the government recently.
It is a 5-day programme, running 10am - 4pm each day for 15-17 year olds. Youth Impact says “you will build skills for work and life by taking part in new challenges and meeting new people, gaining confidence and independence along the way. With a focus on personal growth, Youth Impact will help enhance your teen’s CV, improve college applications, and provide them with the skills needed to succeed in work and life. It’s fun, rewarding, and a chance to meet new friends – all while giving back to the local area.” Activities that you will take part in include a large inflatable assault course, escape rooms, First Aid skills, public speaking workshops and many more.
A main focus of the week is social action - this means doing anything that makes a positive impact on the local community. As part of this on day 4, you will take part in a social action project which could be anything from a sponsored walk to raise money for charity or helping out in a nursing home.
The week costs £95 per person but there are payment plans available. Go to their website for more information and to sign up.
Wednesday 22nd January 2025
Appren-T-Fest 2025 - Apprenticeship Fair

Today, all of our Year 10 students visited the Appren-T-Fest 2025 hosted by S6C and Wiltshire College in collaboration with Swindon and Wiltshire Careers Hub. This was an incredible apprenticeship fair which started with a presentation and followed with our students visiting numerous employer tables at two exhibitions to discover the apprenticeships available to them in the local area.
First we heard from Junior Saunders, the Founder of Junior Inspiring Education, where he inspired our students to realise that an “…apprenticeship is just a different journey to the same destination.” He went on to tell our students what an apprenticeship actually is, how much you could expect to be paid, how long you would do it for and the different levels that you are able to obtain.
The next stage of the event involved visiting two employer exhibitions where employers were ready and waiting to talk to our students about the amazing apprenticeship options that they have within their business and industry. Students were able to talk to Salisbury NHS Trust, Chemring Countermeasures, UK Health Security Agency, Wiltshire Council, Moore South, DSTL, Qinetiq, NFU Mutual and many many more. All students really had their eyes opened to the endless possibilities that come from apprenticeships.
A huge thank you to Steph Jones at Chemring Countermeasures for sponsoring our travel to the event.

Tuesday 12th November 2024
ASK Apprenticeships Applications Workshop

Today we had a visit from Mike Holliday at ASK Apprenticeships who ran 3 workshops for some of our Year 11 students who are interested in applying for apprenticeships as a post-16 option. Mike’s presentation covered how to find an apprenticeship, the application process, interview techniques, assessment types and what employers are looking for. Research is key in finding and getting the apprenticeship that's right for you.
Students also had the opportunity to register on the government’s website, ‘Find an Apprenticeship’. They had a look through what apprenticeship vacancies are currently available in the local area, including the employer’s name, location, job description and salary information.
Apprenticeships are a growing post-16 option for young people today and this workshop helped to inspire and motivate our students to find the one that’s right for them.
Wednesday 6th & Thursday 7th November 2024
Year 11 Mock Interviews

​On Wednesday and Thursday we hosted our Year 11 Mock Interviews event. This is an amazing opportunity for our students to practice their interview skills with a representative from the business world to give them a real-life taste of what a job interview could be like. These interviews are a positive experience for our students and coach them towards the best way to promote themselves in this interview format.
After their interview, students also took part in some online interview preparation. This is becoming a more prevalent method that businesses are using for job interviews, therefore students need to be aware of the best approach to this type of interview. Students watched videos on what a ‘bad’ online interview looked like and then a ‘good’ version – the videos had some interesting acting, but the points were well made!
We wouldn’t be able to run these events without the amazing support of businesses in the local and regional community, so a huge thank you to our business volunteers:
Jaime Williamson, Careers Enterprise Company
Andrew Faulkner, Castle Monkey Logistics Company
Liz Batten, Soroptimist International of Salisbury
Graham Simpson, Total Foot Health
Gemma Rootes, Wilton Wholefoods
James Scott, Chemring Group PLC
Allan Thomson, Aspire Defence Limited
Andrew Stewart, Salisbury Army Careers Centre
John Page, Former School Governor
Dr. Hannah Clarke, Soroptimist International of Salisbury
James Hayes, Fawcetts Accountants
Barney Steele, Magna Mazda
Friday 18th October 2024
ASK Apprenticeships
Awareness Presentation

​Today, our Year 11 students heard from Mike Holliday, a representative from ASK Apprenticeships. They talked with students about what apprenticeships actually are, the different levels available and the range of employers who do them. It was interesting to hear that only 50% of apprenticeships come from large national businesses such as Dunelm, McDonald’s and Pets at Home, and the other 50% of apprenticeships are hosted by local small businesses.
Emma Burgess, a Level 6 Degree Apprentice from Kite Packaging, was also on the call to tell the students about her experience of being an apprentice. Emma has really enjoyed learning on the job and of course taking home a salary, but was very clear that it isn’t an ‘easy’ option, as not only are you working full time, but you also have studying to do once you get home.
After half term, Mike will be running some workshops at school dedicated to the application process for apprenticeships. If this is something that you would be interested in attending, please speak to your tutor or Mrs Krzyzosiak by Wednesday 6th November 2024.
Tuesday 8th October 2024
Peter Symonds College Visit

Today, we hosted a representative from Peter Symonds College. Unfortunately Peter Symonds were unable to attend our ‘Post-16 Palooza’ event last week, so this was a great opportunity for students to talk to the college and pick up a prospectus.​
Their open evening was last week, however you can contact the college directly if you would like a tour. Applications for September 2025 are now open and the deadline is Monday 9th December 2024.
Tuesday 1st October 2024
Year 11 'Post-16 Palooza'

Today we hosted our ‘Post-16 Palooza’, a fun alternative to our further education assemblies.
During the event our Year 11 students had the chance to meet nine further education providers from the local area in a “speed dating” style. Students were able to ask questions, collect prospectuses and even hear from current students about their real-life experiences.
All of the providers were blown away by how engaged our students were in the conversations and they look forward to seeing you at open events soon!
A huge thank you to:
• Salisbury 6th Form College (S6C)
• Sarum Academy
• Wiltshire College and University Centre
• South Wilts Grammar School
• Brockenhurst College
• Burgate School and Sixth Form
• Bishop Wordsworth’s School
• Andover & Sparsholt College
• Ringwood School and Sixth Form
Friday 20th September 2024
Barton Peveril Year 11 Assembly

Today, Anthony Pagett, the Director of Curriculum at Barton Peveril, came in to talk to our Year 11 students all about their incredible college.
Barton Peveril hosts just under 5000 students and has amazing facilities including a fully equipped sports hall, fitness suite and a newly extended Science block. The site, facilities and opportunities are so vast it is more like a mini university!
There are 52 different courses to choose from and you can go and see everything that Barton Peveril has to offer at their upcoming open evenings next week.
For more information please head to their website.
Thursday 19th September 2024
Year 11 Post-16 Progression Evening

Today we hosted our first Year 11 Post-16 Progression evening.
The options for young people post-16 are even more exciting and wide ranging than ever before. However, knowing your ‘BTEC’ from your ‘T-Level’ or your Level 2 from your Level 3 is so important as students and their parents make decisions that will open the doors to their future.
Parents and students heard from Ben Hillier (S6C) about A Levels, including entry requirements, subjects available and the further education providers that run them. They then listened to a presentation by Sam Filer (Sarum Academy) and Amanda Sluman (MLP Careers Advisor) about BTECs and Apprenticeships, which are some great options that are also available to our students after they leave Trafalgar.
Thank you to everyone who attended the event and we really hope that the information about the different educational pathways available to your child, helps you to support them to make the best decisions for their future after Trafalgar.