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Empowering young people to be the source of their own success 

is our commitment in enabling our students towards a life fulfilled

Our Strategic Curriculum Objectives & Aims

  • Delivering a curriculum that is knowledge-rich and secured through application so that all students can both develop and demonstrate their understanding and capability.

  • Providing teaching (and assessment) of the highest quality so that it motivates, stimulates, builds confidence and ultimately enables students to think and act for themselves

  • Providing a co-curriculum that builds character and develops lifelong interests

What we mean by 'Curriculum and Co-Curriculum'

The curriculum is the knowledge and skills that students are expected to learn as they progress through our school in lessons.  The co-curriculum includes experiences beyond the classroom throughout their time at school.  Our co-curriculum includes: a programme of assemblies, educational visits, sports and competitive sports, competitions, visiting speakers, careers programme, leadership opportunities and tutor time.

A Balance of Knowledge & Skills

We believe that academic progress means knowing more, remembering more, applying more.  We believe this is best achieved through the acquisition of knowledge and the development of the skills and personal qualities necessary to apply what has been learnt in achieving a desired outcome.  This could be answering a question at GCSE, solving a problem or creating a musical composition.




Curriculum Intent
Building Cultural Capital

  • Sharing a passion for our subjects and a love of life and each other so that it inspires others.

  • Developing ‘academic habits’ so that all students become highly effective people.

  • Delivering a curriculum that is knowledge rich and secured through application so that all students can both develop and demonstrate their understanding and capability.

  • Developing environmental awareness and care for the world so that students can contribute positively to the future of the planet.

  • Creating positivity about mental and physical health so that students can take care of themselves and live a long and fulfilled life.

  • Providing teaching (and assessment) of the highest quality so that it motivates, stimulates, builds confidence and ultimately enables students to think and act for themselves.

  • Providing a co-curriculum that builds character and develops lifelong interests.

Curriculum Intent

Curriculum Implementation
How the Curriculum is
planned & delivered

Key concepts in subjects are identified with progression in these concepts mapped sequentially (see progression maps).  Substantive and disciplinary knowledge is organised (see Knowledge Organisers) and 'chunked'.  We have adopted the pedagogical approach of 'I do, we do, you do' - a gradual release of responsibility to the student.  We make 'things' matter through our passionate delivery, relevance, contextualization, questioning, provocation, challenge and experimentation.  Students demonstrate what they have learnt through independent application (you do) and 'seek meaning' in what they have learnt or do not fully understand (response to assessment).  Our co-curriculum will bring to life what students are learning.  It will both stem from and introduce students to, interests and experiences and be mapped against our School Values.

Curriculum Implementation

Curriculum Impact
Our Vision for Young People

By the time they leave our school our young people will be able to communicate effectively. They will be able to solve mathematical and scientific problems.  

They will be able to express themselves creatively and imaginatively.  

They will have a strong sense of self, a sense of others and a sense of place.  

They will make informed choices that effect positively on their own wellbeing.  

They will ask questions, be reflective and adaptive; capable of thinking and acting for themselves and ready to join forces with others to achieve a goal.  

They will be positive in their mind-set and willing to face up to a challenge.

They will be active and healthy in mind and in body.  

Our students will have a keen care for their environment and feel a close connection with their natural world.  

Our young people will understand what is right and what is wrong, and stand up for equality and human rights.  

They will appreciate other cultures and traditions.  

Our young people will be thoughtful, caring and active citizens making a difference to their community and to society.


Years 7 to 9
Key Stage 3

A common curriculum exists throughout the first three years, based on National Curriculum guidelines.  During this time students study:

English Literature

English Language





Beliefs, Values & Traditions (Religious Education)

French or Spanish


Physical Education


Art & Design

Design & Technology (including textiles, food & nutrition)


Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship, Economic education

The Key Stage 3 curriculum operates throughout Years 7, 8 and 9 and prepares students so they are ready to start their GCSE courses in Year 10.  Students choose a bespoke curriculum pathway at the end of Year 9 which is tailored to their interests.  They are supported by teaching staff and in the information they receive through PSHCE lessons and the Careers Advisor, in making the most informed choices and are encouraged to study a broad range of subjects in STEM and the EBACC subjects and the arts.

Years 7 to 9 are taught predominantly in tutor groups across the curriculum with the option of setting in English and mathematics in Years 7 and 8 and in Science from Year 9.


Years 10 & 11
Key Stage 4

Our curriculm is based on success in traditional GCSE subjects, with some vocational study available in subjects where practical skills are highly prized. 


We are committed to providing students with a strong core provision of English Literature, English Language, Maths, Combined Science, Physical Education and Personal Social Health Education

Through option pathways we guide students to further academic study in separate Science, Geography, History, Computational Thinking, French or Spanish and they can access creative and technological studies freely.  


Click here to find out more from our Options Booklet.



  • Engage & develop current interests & skils

Through co-curricular involvement, we hope that students will:

  • Try something new to discover new potential interests & skills

  • Develop their leadership & interpersonal skills

  • Act out our school values

  • Make a difference to their community and to society

  • Engage and develop current interests and skills

During their time at The Trafalgar School, every student will have the opportunity to do the following:


Participate in a physical activity twice a week


Try a new sport


Be an active participant in student leadership


Sleep outdoors under canvas


Be a participant in an off-site activity each year


Take part in an Arts competition


Mentor a younger student


Participate in a theatrical production either on, or behind, the stage


Participate in a music event


Take part in fundraising


Have an opportunity to complete their Bronze or Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award


Speak publicly about something they are passionate about


Take part in an Assembly


Sing on a stage in front of an audience


Be a member of a sports team

Curriculum & Equality

We provide all our students with the opportunity to succeed and to reach the highest level of personal achievement.  We do this by:

At The Trafalgar School at Downton, we are committed to ensuring equality of opportunity for all students, staff, parents and carers irrespective of race, gender, disability, belief, sexual orientation, age or socio-economic background.  We aim to develop a culture of inclusion and diversity in which all those connected to the school feel proud of their identity and ability to participate fully in school life.


We tackle discrimination through the positive promotion of equality, by challenging bullying and stereotypes and by creating an environment which champions respect for all.


At The Trafalgar School, we believe that diversity is a strength which should be respected and celebrated by all those who learn, teach and visit us.

  • Providing breadth and balance in the curriculum

  • Responding to the context of the school and the child and those most vulnerable

  • Ensuring equality of access for all students and preparing them for life in a diverse society

  • Using materials that reflect the diversity of the school, population and local community, without stereotyping

  • Promoting attitudes and values that challenge any discriminatory behaviour or prejudice

  • Providing opportunities for students to appreciate their own culture and celebrate the diversity of other cultures

  • Utilising teaching approaches appropriate for the whole school population which are inclusive, engaging and stimulating

Every year we set an equality objective for the academic year.  These can be viewed by clicking here.

Running Track

Represent their House, or the School


Be a spectator at a minimum of one sporting event each year


Take part in an environmental initiative


Be in the audience for at least one event each year


Take part in Anti-Bullying Week


Take part in Diversity Week

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© 2025  The Trafalgar School at Downton

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