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Careers Policies and Strategies

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Careers Policies

There are three Careers Policies that support the careers programme of delivery at The Trafalgar School at Downton:


  1. Secondary and Post-16 Provider Access Policy Statement

  2. Secondary and Post-16 Provider Careers Statement (Pending)

  3. Secondary and Post-16 Academy Careers Guidance (Pending)​


These documents can be found on our 'Policies' page, here.

Careers Strategies

Below you will find the Careers Strategy documents that guide us to deliver the very best careers education to students here at The Trafalgar School at Downton.

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Careers Strategy and Programme 2024/25


This document details the careers education that students receive, including key contacts and a programme of events.

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Careers Programme 2024/25


This document summarises which parts of the careers programme are delivered to each year group and the corresponding Gatsby Benchmark that this satisfies.

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PSHCE Curriculum​


This document details which parts of the PSHCE curriculum are delivered to each year group.

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Destinations Data Strategy 2024/25


This document details our processes for collecting the destinations data (where our students go after Trafalgar) for Year 11 and the 3 years post-Trafalgar.

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