
Welcome to The Trafalgar School at Downton. On this page, you will find information relating to admissions. This will mean either that your child is moving from Year 6 to Year 7 or that they are moving secondary schools during the school year.
Year 5/6 events
We appreciate that choosing a Secondary School is a big decision. We are hosting a number of events throughout the year so you can come and see what Trafalgar has to offer. More information and registration for these events will go live after the Easter school holidays. In the meantime please save the following dates in your diary.
23rd June - Cluster School Year 5 Taster Day (Alderbury & West Grimstead, Downton, Coombe Bissett, Longford, Morgan's Vale and Woodfalls, The New Forest, Whiteparish All Saints)
25th June - Non cluster School Year 5 Taster Day
Taster Day places will be allocated on a first come basis - therefore please make sure to enroll your child as soon as registration goes live to avoid disappointment.
Our Open Evening will also take place in September 2025 (Date to be confirmed) this event is a wonderful opportunity for Parents /Carers along with Year 6 children to meet our staff and students whilst exploring the school grounds.

The school works really hard to ensure that transition is stress free and students feel well supported and cared for ....
Year 7 Parent
Transition between schools is a really exciting time for Year 6 students, but we recognise that many may also feel nervous. We work really hard to ensure that transition is stress-free and students feel well supported and cared for.
Every Year 6 child will be visited in their primary school by our Transition Coordinator (Matt Williams), who will talk them through the transition process and give them the opportunity to ask questions and discuss any concerns that they may have.
There is an Induction Day in Term 6 which gives the students an opportunity to explore our school and to experience lessons and a 3 day Summer School in August.
On joining us, your child will be well supported by our Peer Mentors and our friendly and approachable staff, as well as their Form Tutor, Head of House and senior team. Any concerns or worries are swiftly resolved and we find that students settle quickly into our school community and are very happy. You can download a copy of our welcome information for students and parents by clicking here.
Applying for a Place for Year 7
Selecting the right secondary school for your son or daughter can seem like a daunting task. Our aim is to make that decision and the period of transition from primary to secondary school, as smooth as possible for both students and parents.
If you are considering applying for a Year 7 place for your child, at The Trafalgar School, we would recommend that you contact our Admissions Officer, who can arrange an appointment for you to meet with our Headteacher, Jy Taylor and tour the school, at a time convenient to you. We will talk through the admissions process with you and answer any questions you might have.
We welcome tours at any time of the academic year, during the school day - whatever day you visit you will always see great teaching and great people which combine to achieve great outcomes for our students.
The Admissions Process
Wiltshire Council is responsible for coordinating and administering Year 7 admissions. Parents are required to rank three schools in order of preference. Applications are then matched with schools, according to a child's eligibility for place, rather than by parental preference. Second or third choice applications may rank higher than first-choice applications and some first-choice applications will be turned down.
Children who are not offered a place with us and who are offered a lower preference school will automatically be added to our waiting list.
For September 2025 the Year 7 intake will be 165
We look forward to meeting you and welcoming you to our school.
Mid Year Admissions
Occasionally places at the school do become available mid-year. You can contact our Admissions Officer at any time to find out if there are spaces. If you are considering a mid-year admission please contact Claire in the first instance, who will be able to guide you through the admissions process.
Applicants will be considered in line with the determined Admission Policy. Where the School has no spaces available, because the admission of another child would prejudice the efficient education of others at the School or would prejudice the efficient use of resources, the application will be refused and a right of appeal will arise.
To apply for an mid-year place please complete the in-year admissions form (and supplementary information form or SIF if applicable) and return to the Admissions Officer - or drop in to school reception (hard copies are available on request).
The Trust aims to respond to mid-year admission requests within 10 school days (maximum time to respond is 15 school days).